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Name: Thridrangar Lighthouse   Map it!

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, Iceland


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Photo: Arni Saeberg


Thridrangar Lighthouse is off the coast of Southwest Iceland, a solitary light the top of a basalt stack some 120ft above the sea. Without a doubt this is one of the most dramatic, unique and visually stunning lighthouse. Built in 1939, the Thridrangar (Þrídrangar) Lighthouse, Þrídrangar means “three rock pillars,” is undoubtedly one of the most challenging lighthouses ever built. Given the swirling winds and crashing waves, climbing the precarious pillar must have been one Herculean task. Today, Thridrangar lighthouse is only accessible by helicopter for service needs. The helipad sits on top of a jagged rock that sticks out to the Atlantic ocean.

It is not known at this time if this light is operational

Only available by helicopter with permission.

Mapquest URL: Click here to get a map to this lighthouse!

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