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Name: Formby Light   Map it!

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Formby, , United Kingdom

Location: NW England; at Formby Point, on the north side of the River Mersey estuary.

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Photo: Courtesy of Michel Forand

The Formby tower was originally built as a landmark for navigators. In 1834, it became a lighthouse, used in conjunction with the Formby Light vessel. The light was extinguished in 1839 after the new Victoria Channel was opened. It was resurrected in 1851, then discontinued permanently in 1856. The tower stood until 1941. The light was demolished because as a very prominent landmark, it was too useful to German bombers who crossed the North Sea and North of England with the intention of bombing Liverpool 12 miles to the south of the lighthouse. Once the lighthouse was below, they simply turned south, followed the coasline and then were over their target.

Tower Height: 120

Description of Tower: White conical brick tower.

This light is not operational

Date Established: 1834

Date Deactivated: 1856

Current Use: Destroyed.

Mapquest URL: Click here to get a map to this lighthouse!

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