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Name: Trinidad Head Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Trinidad, California, United States

Location: Trinidad Harbor.

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Managing Organization:
Bureau of Land Management

There is a replica of this lighthouse in Trinidad. The replica houses the original fourth order lens and the original fog bell. A memorial wall at the replica is engraved with the names of those from the area who have been lost at sea. On May 16, 2014, ownership of the lighthouse was transferred to the Bureau of Land Management.

Tower Height: 25

Height of Focal Plane: 196

Description of Tower: White brick square/pyramidal tower.

This light is operational

Other Buildings?
1969 two-story wood frame modern triplex keeper's quarters (original dwelling razed in 1960s), 1900 wood frame fog signal building.

Date Established: 1866

Date Present Tower Built: 1871

Date Automated: 1974

Optics: 1871: Fourth order Fresnel lens (now in lighthouse replica in Trinidad); 1947: 375 mm.

Fog Signal: Originally bell (now at lighthouse replica in Trinidad); now automatic horn.

Current Use: Active aid to navigation, Coast Guard housing.

Open To Public? No.

To the lighthouse replica: From Highway 101, take Main Street/Westhaven Drive exit to Trinidad; go west on Main Street to its end. Turn left on Trinity St. to its end. The replica is ahead with parking to the right. Trails nearby lead to a view of the original Trinidad Head Lighthouse.

Keepers: Jeremiah Kiler (1871-1888), Fred L. Harrington (1888-1916), Edward Wilborg (1916-?)

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