Managing Organization: Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority
Website: Email:
Contact Address Information: 100 Thames Street Chatham Ontario,
N7L 2Y8,
Notes: This is the second oldest lighthouse in Ontario; the original structure was made taller in 1867. The lighthouse was restored by the Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority in 1973. The front range light (fixed red) is exhibited from a 23-foot white cylindrical tower, with a fluorescent orange triangular daymark and a black vertical stripe, about 178 feet from the rear light. Tower Height: 54 Height of Focal Plane: 53 Characteristic and Range: Fixed red light. Description of Tower: White, conical limestone and brick tower.
This light is operational
Earlier Towers? c. 1810: Wooden structure, destroyed in War of 1812. Date Established: c. 1810? Date Present Tower Built: 1818 Date Deactivated: c.1969-1973 Current Use: Active seasonal aid to navigation. Open To Public? Grounds only. Directions: Exit from Highway 2 in Tilbury and follow the signs to Lighthouse Cove. The lighthouse can be seen from a boat launch. It is within the Lighthouse Conservation Area, a one-hectare park. Keepers: Members of the Cartier family until c. 1950; William "Dick" Cartier (?-1950); C.W. Riberdy (c. 1950-?); Armand Jacob (?-c.1966)