Managing Organization: Tibbetts Point Historical Society
Contact Address Information: 33439 County Route 6 Cape Vincent New York,
United States
Notes: In 1984, the two keepers' houses were leased by Syracuse Council of American Youth Hostels, Hostelling International-USA (HI-USA), for use as a hostel, a program that was discontinued in 2020. The Tibbetts Point Lighthouse Historical Society has leased the lighthouse tower and lighthouse museum from the Coast Guard, and a great deal of restoration work has been done on the tower in recent years. Tower Height: 58 Height of Focal Plane: 69 Characteristic and Range: White light occulting every 10 seconds. Description of Tower: White, conical brick and stucco tower with black cast iron lantern.
This light is operational
Other Buildings? 1827 keepers' quarters, 1907 2 1/2-story keepers' quarters, garage, fog horn building, paint locker, and museum building built in 1994. Earlier Towers? 1827: 59-foot stone tower. Date Established: 1827 Date Present Tower Built: 1854 Date Automated: 1981 Optics: 1854: Fourth order Fresnel (still in use). Fog Signal: Originally steam-powered diaphone horn. Current Use: Active aid to navigation, hostel, museum. Open To Public? Yes. Museum? There is a lighthouse museum next to the hostel. The grounds are open to the public year round, and the museum is open daily in July and August and on weekends from Memorial Day until July, and September until Columbus Day. Directions: From Syracuse take Route 81 North to Exit 46 at Watertown. Take New York Highway 12F, go north on St. Rt. 180, and then take 12E to Cape Vincent. Turn left on Broadway, go 2-1/2 miles until you reach the hostel (follow road to dead end at lighthouse). From Kingston, Ontario, take the ferry to Wolf Island and Cape Vincent, then drive straight for two blocks on James Street to Broadway. The Great Lakes Lighthouse Keepers Association also runs occasional cruises near the lighthouse; contact Great Lakes Lighthouse Keepers Association, c/o Henry Ford Estate, 4901 Evergreen Rd., Dearborn, MI 48128. Listed on the
National Register of Historic Places Keepers: Olin W. Stevens (c. 1930s). Nearby Lodging: The Tibbetts Point Hostel is open from May 15 until October 15, and is closed from October 15 until May 15. Reservations are recomended by contacting the hostel manager at 315-654-3450 from May 1 to November 1 or by e-mail at year round. Hostel rates start at $15.00 (US) per person per night. The hostel is open to the general public. For more information on the hostel visit the national web site at