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Name: Terence Bay Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Terence Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada

Location: Tennant Point, southwestern Nova Scotia.

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Photo: Stan Severi
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Managing Organization:
Canadian Coast Guard

The Terence Bay Lighthouse Committee is working to protect public access to the lighthouse and adjacent beach.

Tower Height: 26

Height of Focal Plane: 48

Characteristic and Range: Fixed red, visible for nine miles.

Description of Tower: White, square pyramidal wooden tower with red trim; lantern removed.

This light is operational

Date Established: 1885

Date Present Tower Built: 1885

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? Grounds only.

Leave Highway 103 and take Route 333 to a left turn heading to Terence Bay. In the village of Terence Bay, turn left on Sandy Cove Road. Follow to the end of the road. It's located near private homes, but the Terence Bay Lighthouse Committee has provided a walkway to the lighthouse so access doesn't cross private property.

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