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Name: Eddystone Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Plymouth, , United Kingdom

Location: Eddystone Rocks, southwest of Plymouth, England.

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Managing Organization:
Trinity House


England's Eddystone Light is probably the most famous lighthouse in the world. The first Eddystone Light was the first lighthouse anywhere to be built on an exposed rock in the open ocean. Its builder, Henry Winstanley, died at the lighthouse when it was destroyed by a storm in 1703. The 1759 tower was dismantled stone by stone and stands today at Plymouth Hoe as a monument to its builder, John Smeaton (see separate entry).

Tower Height: 168

Height of Focal Plane: 135

Characteristic and Range: Two white flashes every 10 seconds, visible for 17 nautical miles.

Description of Tower: Conical granite tower surmounted by helicopter platform.

This light is operational

Earlier Towers?
1698: Tower built by Henry Winstanley, altered in 1699 and destroyed in 1703 storm; 1709: Tower built by John Rudyard, destroyed by fire in 1755; 1759: Stone tower built by John Smeaton.

Date Established: 1698

Date Present Tower Built: 1882

Date Automated: 1982

Optics: 1682: 60 candles;1882: First order Fresnel lens; Now modern solar-powered optic.

Fog Signal: Automated horn, three blasts every 60 seconds.

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? No.

Accessible by helicopter or boat only.

Keepers: Henry Hall (?-1755, died in service), David Appleby (c. 1967)

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