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Name: Hudson-Athens Light  

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Also known as: Hudson City Light

Nearest Town or City:
Hudson City, New York, United States

Location: Middle Ground Flats, Hudson River

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Photo: Jim Crowley

Managing Organization:
Hudson-Athens Lighthouse Preservation Society

Telephone: 518-828-5294


Contact Address Information:
P. O. Box 145
New York, 12015, United States

In 1982 a group of citizens from Columbia and Greene Counties formed the Hudson-Athens Lighthouse Preservation Society. A 20-year lease was signed in 1984 between the Lighthouse Society and the U.S. Coast Guard. The society is responsible for the restoration, preservation, and operation of the lighthouse.

Tower Height: 30

Height of Focal Plane: 46

Characteristic and Range: Flashing green every 2.5 seconds, visible for 4 miles.

Description of Tower: Sqaure brick and stone tower attached to keeper's dwelling.

This light is operational

Other Buildings?
1874 attached 1.5 story keeper's dwelling

Date Established: 1874 (11/1/1874)

Date Present Tower Built: 1874

Date Automated: 1949 (11/10/1949)

Optics: 1926: Fifth order Fresnel lens (now at Mystic Seaport Museum, Mystic, Connecticut); now 300 mm.

Fog Signal: Originally fog bell with striking machinery.

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? Yes (occasionally).

The lighthouse is open occasionally for summer tours. For dates and information call (518) 828-5294. There are plans to open the lighthouse as a museum.

The lighthouse is in the middle of the river between Hudson and Athens. It is best viewed by boat -- a fairly distant (bring binoculars) side view is available from the Athens side. From the New York State Thruway: Exit at Catskill. Follow Route 23 to 385 North, then take Leeds Athens Road (CR 74) to Athens. At the junction with Second St., take a right and follow it to the river and the park.

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places

Keepers: Henry D. Best (1874-1893); Frank Best (1893-1918); Nellie Best (1918); William J. Murray (1918-1922); August Kielberg (1922-1930); Emil Brunner (1930-1949); G.E. Speaks (U.S. Coast Guard, 1949-1957); Perry Peloubet (U.S. Coast Guard, 1957-1966); William Nestlen (U.S. Coast Guard, 1966-1984).

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