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Name: Crossover Island Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Chippewa Bay, New York, United States

Location: St. Lawrence River near Chippewa Bay.

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Managing Organization:
Private owner

This lighthouse is located very close to the border between the U.S. and Canada. The island and lighthouse were put up for sale in May 2001 and were sold in October 2002.

Tower Height: 30

Description of Tower: White, conical cast iron tower with red lantern.

This light is not operational

Other Buildings?
1882 1.5 story wood frame keeper's dwelling, boathouse, shed, smokehouse, hen house, barn, privy, oil house.

Date Established: 1848

Date Present Tower Built: 1882

Date Deactivated: 1941

Optics: 1882: Sixth order Fresnel lens.

Current Use: Private residence.

Open To Public? No.

This lighthouse is accessible by boat only, but it can be seen from a cruise offered by Long Legg Charters -- see or call 315-482-3677. Bill Edwards provides directions to a viewing point: "North(east) of Chippewa Bay, parallel to Route 12, is Riverledge Rd., between the route and the St. Lawrence Seaway/River. There are two cross streets that connect Riverledge to Route 12. On the north(eastern) end is Conger Rd., on the south (western) end is Oak Pt. You can peer through in several places, between private residences & trees, to get what turns out to be a straight on (over)look. You are not able to get down to shore because the road(s) are private."

Keepers: Daniel Hill (1909-1931)

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