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Name: Point Arena Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Point Arena, California, United States

Location: Two miles north of Point Arena.

Click to enlarge: Photo   
Photo: Ken Kochel

Managing Organization:
Point Arena Lighthouse Keepers, Inc.

Telephone: 877-725-4448


Contact Address Information:
P.O. Box 11
45500 Lighthouse Road
Point Arena
California, 95468, United States

This is the first steel reinforced concrete lighthouse in the United States. The Coast Guard left the station after automating the light in 1977, and the Point Arena Lighthouse Keepers, Inc, formed in 1982 to preserve the station and provide public access. The light station was deeded to the Point Arena Lighthouse Keepers in 1996. The Coast Guard continues to maintain the optic. Three keeper's houses are available for rent; each has three bedrooms and two full baths. Call for reservations and current rates. The lighthouse station was the setting for part of the 1992 movie "Forever Young."

Tower Height: 115

Height of Focal Plane: 155

Description of Tower: Steel-reinforced concrete cylindrical tower, white with black gallery.

This light is operational

Other Buildings?
Four modern duplex keeper's houses (built by Coast Guard in 1960s), two cisterns, oil house, storage building, modern well house and fire supression system, 1896 wood fog signal building. 1908 2.5 story keeper's cottage was destroyed c. 1960s.

Earlier Towers?
1870: Brick and mortar conical tower (damaged in 1906 earthquake).

Date Established: 1870 (5/1/1870)

Date Present Tower Built: 1908

Date Automated: 1977

Optics: 1870: First order Fresnel lens, destroyed in 1906 earthquake. 1908: First order Fresnel lens (remains in tower but is inactive); 1977: DCB-224 (aerobeacon).

Fog Signal: Diaphone fog horn was replaced by bell buoy, now discontinued.

Current Use: Active aid to navigation, museum, vacation rentals.

Open To Public? yes

A museum is located in the fog signal building. It includes displays of equipment, pictures, maps and charts, local wildlife, and the work of local artists and photographers. Tours of the lighthouse and museum are conducted by professional docents. Open every day except Thanksgiving, Christmas, and weekdays in December and January. Guided tours 11 am to 2:30 pm. Summer weekends and holidays: 10 am to 3:30 pm. Admission: $3 for adults, $1 for children under 12.

Located 135 miles north of San Francisco, one mile north of Point Arena. At Rollerville Junction, take Lighthouse Road two miles west off Highway 1.

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places

Keepers: George Cobb (c. 1934)

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