Digest>Jul/Aug 2016

Photo Caption:

The Race Point Lighthouses keepers from the March 29, 1934 issue of the Standard-Times newspaper. (l-r) Head keeper William H. Lowther, 1st assistant keeper James W. Hinckley, and 2nd assistant keeper Javan D. York. William H. Lowther became the keeper at Race Point Lighthouse in 1915. He entered the U.S. Lighthouse Service in 1906 as a crewman onboard the lighthouse tender Mayflower. He lived at Race Point Lighthouse with his wife Rose and son, Gerard. Race Point Lighthouse was the first lighthouse at which James W. Hinckley served, and he occupied a comfortable apartment in the assistant keeper’s house. Javan D. York, the 2nd assistant keeper when this photo was taken, had previously served in the old U. S. Revenue Cutter Service and later in the U.S. Army where he saw action in France during World War I. He joined the Lighthouse Service in 1920 where he served at the Bishop and Clerks Lighthouse until 1921. He was then transferred to Race Point Lighthouse where he served as the 2nd assistant keeper from 1921 to 1935, and then as the 1st assistant keeper from 1935 to 1938, and finally as head keeper from 1938 to 1942. In 1942 he transferred to and became the head keeper at Wings Neck Lighthouse on the east side of Buzzards Bay in Pocasset, Massachusetts where he served until 1943. (Lighthouse Digest archives.)
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